Reproductive prints (selection)
Edited by Bettina Baumgärtel
The Danish Ambassador Gottlob Friedrich Ernst Graf Schönborn from London wrote to the writer Friedrich Gottlieb Klopstock: “A copper engraver here, who prints almost nothing but her paintings, once told me, the whole world is angelicamad”.
The leading printmakers in the Art centers of Europe produced decorative furniture prints after her works, thereby spreading her fame across Europe: in London Francesco Bartolozzi, James Birchall, John, and Joshua Boydell, Thomas Burke, Georg Siegmund and Johann Gottlieb Facius, Valentine Green, William W. Ryland, Ann and Mary Ryland, Luigi Schiavonetti, Gabiel Skorodomoff, James Watson, in Berlin and Dresden Heinrich Sintzenich, in Paris Jean Marie Delattre, in Rome and Florence Giovanni Volpato and Raffaelo Morghen, in Turin Carlo A. Porporati, in Vienna Valentin Durmer and in Zurich Johann Heinrich Lips.
Since it was possible to print big editions by using this new technique of stipple engraving, reproductive prints became a reasonably priced collector’s item for less well-to-do collectors, including bourgeois and especially female collectors.
Citation note:
Baumgärtel, Bettina: Angelica Kauffman – Reproduktive prints, in: Angelika Kauffmann Research Project – online, [add date of access here]